Thursday, July 9, 2009

I Can Cross My Legs!

I realized today at my support group meeting that I can cross my legs! Granted, I don't have that "Mary Hart" leg cross down yet, but I will get there! I don't know when the last time I actually crossed them. Sometimes I tried to cross them...I'd pull one leg up on top of the other and hope that it would stay there for 5 minutes before it slid off. Most of the time, my top leg wouldn't really be would kind of stick straight out. And it was never comfortable.

So tonight at the support group meeting, I tried it and it actually worked! I know this doesn't seem like much, but to me it is a huge thing! I crossed my legs! Really! :) It's the small things that make me realize that I am on the right path.

It has been 1 week since I had my first fill. It's been interesting...I feel much more limited on how much I can eat. I was on vacation during the week, so that made it all the more challenging. But I did OK. I am down 2 lbs since last Thursday.

I'm still learning how much food is too much and how much is just enough. As I was eating lunch today, I was almost done with what was on my plate...I had about 2-3 bites left and I realized I had eaten enough. I spit out the bite I was chewing and threw out the rest of the food. I know if I had eaten the rest of my lunch, I would have been overfull, and that's a feeling I want to avoid. That overfull feeling feels like what I imagine a heart attack would feel like. It's a burning pain in the center of my chest. I get hot and sweaty and it's hard to get a full breath of air. I just need to pay attention to what my body is telling me...and LISTEN to it!

I think I'm going to cross my legs while I watch TV. Just because I can! :)

1 comment:

  1. You ARE on the right track Jen! Good for you!!!
