I am still working on drinking water! I have a filled insulated cup that I have out all the time. When I walk by it, I stop and have a sip. So far it's working well...when I remember to have it filled! During the weekend I didn't have it filled and ready. And I didn't drink very much water!
My cup that I'm using is one the I got from the hospital. It's only 19 ounces, but 19 ounces is better than nothing! I have this weird thing about drinking from plastic cups, though. Water takes on a plasticy taste. I don't know if I can really taste the plastic, or if it's just one of those mental things that I think the water tastes plasticy. It doesn't matter what kind of plastic cup it is...a kids cup, a restaurant cup, a canteen, an insulated cup...if it's plastic, it tastes funny to me. To combat this weirdness, I use True Lemon or True Lime to help combat the plastic flavor. And it works!
Here's a little about True Lemon and True Lime: It is crystallized lemon or lime flavor. You can use it for cooking, baking and seasoning. There are 0 calories, 0 sugars, 0 carbs and 0 sodium. Both flavors come in individual packs...kind of like Splenda or Equal individual packets. I always carry some of them in my purse. I usually find these in the drink isle of the grocery store near the Crystal Light. They are about $2.99 for a package of 32. The flavors also come in a shaker that I find in the spice isle of the grocery store. The shaker is about $3.00 for 2.85 ounces...which equals 20 limes (according to the package.) I usually use the shaker for water I drink at home...just a few shakes in my plastic cup and I have a nice lemon or lime flavor...and it doesn't taste like plastic! Some of you may wonder why I just don't use a real lemon or lime to flavor my water. Well, I do sometimes! But more often than not, I cut up a lemon or lime and then all of the small pieces I don't use end up at the back of the refrigerator growing mold. Also, I find that if I leave the real lemon or lime in a glass of water for more than 1 hour, I get a bitter citrus flavor. Strange, I know.
I just checked out the True Lemon website and it's awesome! They have a printable coupon, recipes, free samples. You can even order True Lemon/Lime! (I found it more expensive than what I buy in the store, but still! If you want to shop from home in your pajamas, you can!) http://www.truelemon.com/
All you wanted to know...and more...about how weird I am! :)
My cup that I'm using is one the I got from the hospital. It's only 19 ounces, but 19 ounces is better than nothing! I have this weird thing about drinking from plastic cups, though. Water takes on a plasticy taste. I don't know if I can really taste the plastic, or if it's just one of those mental things that I think the water tastes plasticy. It doesn't matter what kind of plastic cup it is...a kids cup, a restaurant cup, a canteen, an insulated cup...if it's plastic, it tastes funny to me. To combat this weirdness, I use True Lemon or True Lime to help combat the plastic flavor. And it works!
Here's a little about True Lemon and True Lime: It is crystallized lemon or lime flavor. You can use it for cooking, baking and seasoning. There are 0 calories, 0 sugars, 0 carbs and 0 sodium. Both flavors come in individual packs...kind of like Splenda or Equal individual packets. I always carry some of them in my purse. I usually find these in the drink isle of the grocery store near the Crystal Light. They are about $2.99 for a package of 32. The flavors also come in a shaker that I find in the spice isle of the grocery store. The shaker is about $3.00 for 2.85 ounces...which equals 20 limes (according to the package.) I usually use the shaker for water I drink at home...just a few shakes in my plastic cup and I have a nice lemon or lime flavor...and it doesn't taste like plastic! Some of you may wonder why I just don't use a real lemon or lime to flavor my water. Well, I do sometimes! But more often than not, I cut up a lemon or lime and then all of the small pieces I don't use end up at the back of the refrigerator growing mold. Also, I find that if I leave the real lemon or lime in a glass of water for more than 1 hour, I get a bitter citrus flavor. Strange, I know.
I just checked out the True Lemon website and it's awesome! They have a printable coupon, recipes, free samples. You can even order True Lemon/Lime! (I found it more expensive than what I buy in the store, but still! If you want to shop from home in your pajamas, you can!) http://www.truelemon.com/
All you wanted to know...and more...about how weird I am! :)
I got some True Lemon when I was at the commissary with Mandy. I love water (isnt that an interesting thing to say, but I really do like water), but my husband cant stand it. But in his line of work and the amount of time he's outside in the heat, he needs to drink more! I have tried to find ways to "sneek" water into him. I make him lemonade, iced tea, etc. And it seems to work. But I'm drinking a bottle of water with a packet of True Lemon in it and it's really fantastic! Really refreshing. It's not overpowering and sugary sweet like lemonade. It's not strong like tea. But it's got flavor unlike water. So I'm gonna see if Joe will give it a shot.
ReplyDeleteThanks for the True Lemon tip!!